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Problems rarely stem from a single cause, but propagandists often oversimplify and stereotype the target. A type of this technique is called scapegoating: when an enemy is blamed for something that is not his fault. Even if the target is responsible for part of the problem, it's probably not just his fault.

Pinpointing the enemy is used extremely often during wartime, and also in political campaigns and debates. This is an attempt to simplify a complex situation by presenting one specific group or person as the enemy. Although there may be other factors involved the subject is urged to simply view the situation in terms of clear-cut right and wrong. When coming in contact with this technique, the subject should attempt to consider all other factors tied into the situation.

As with almost all propaganda techniques, the subject should attempt to find more information on the topic. An informed person is much less susceptible to this sort of propaganda. Problems rarely stem from a single cause, but propagandists often oversimplify and stereotype the target. A type of technique is called scapegoating: when an enemy is blamed for something that is not his fault. Even if the target is responsible for part of the problem, it's probably not just his fault.

[IMG BELOW] In both the examples the aim is to portray someone as the cause of an unfortunate situation:in the Italian poster, America and UK’s leaders are responsible for the war, just like Muslims in the meme are responsible for their alleged bad reputation.


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