Scanning the knowledge (Wikipedia analysis)

Author's map


We created this visualization to discover if there are any cluster or pattern about authors of the two most relevant Wikipedia pages for our topic (Deep Web and Tor (anonymity network)), in order to find out any group of knowledge holders.

How to read the visualization

The green nodes are the main authors of Tor (anonymity network) page and the purple ones are those of Deep Web page (except for Paganinip which is the main author of both). The gray nodes are the pages edited by them, while the weight of the edges and the force of attraction between the nodes depends on the number of bytes modified.

How it has been done

After having scraped the last 5 years of History of the two Wikipedia pages and discovered which was the main authors, we scraped the History of each author in the last 5 years. After that, every node with a single connection were eliminated from the visualization using Gephi. In the end we generated the graph of the network, spatializing with "Force Atlas 2" and "Cyrcular Layout".


As shown in the visualization, there seems to be a group of encyclopedic knowledge holders on the subject.


Timestamp: 20/11/2014 - 36/11/2014

Data source: Wikipedia

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