People’s contribution

Between typology, category and language


We tried to understand how the three previously selected variables (language, video typology , Youtube’s category) interacted each other in order to illustrate how different languages give different meanings (Youtube categories) to video of the same type.

How to read the visualization

Alluvial diagrams allow to represent flows and to see correlations between categorical dimensions, visually linking to the number of elements sharing the same categories. In this case we see the relationship between: the languages (first column), the categories of Youtube (second column) and the types (third column). Let’s consider for example the English video in the “Tor Browser” graph": the height of the column corresponding to the language considered, represents the total amount of videos available for that language. From this column we can see a starting single flow that later branching. The width of the flow is always the amount of video. Following the flows pattern and its branches, it’s possible to see how English videos are associated with different categories: the one with the highest number of video is "Science and Technology", the one with the fewest is "Humor". The same reasoning it’s applicable to the relationship between categories and types.

How it has been done

We have prepared an excel file with three different columns: language, Youtube’s category and typology. We used the tool Raw and we chose as the display type: alluvional diagram. The graphic was then edited with Adobe Illustrator. We merged the lesser used language in the category other, to make a more readable visualization. We used the color to distinguish immediately behavior between different languages and categories and how they are associated with different types of video.


We notice, once again, the contrast between the query Tor Browser and Deep Web. The Deep Web query is much more variegated than Tor Browser one, which shows well-defined categories and types. Interestingly, users have associated the same type of video with different categories. The clearest case is the video typology Tutorial. The latter is associated by users with various Youtube categories: from Science and Technology, to education, to games and even entertainment. This event underlines how Youtube video producers have different point of view on the subject.


Timestamp: 20/11/2014 - 18/12/2014

Data source: Youtube

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