People’s contribution

Supporter, opponent or neutral?


Understanding the video topics helped us to have a wider overview on the controversy actors arguments, but it was necessary, in order to reach our goals, to go deeper analyzing the deployment and understanding if there was a prevalence of people talking about the Deep web and Tor Browser in a positive, negative or neutral way.

How to read the visualization

The graph is made of the data intersection about the positioning (y axis) and the video typology (x axis). The colors indicate that the values represented belong to the different queries: green to represent Tor Browser data and purple for Deep Web. The size of the semicircles and the length of the black bars of the axes, corresponding to the video typology and the users positioning, indicate the amount of video.

How it has been done

It was initially applied a filter to Excel worksheets for both queries: "Tor Browser" for "Deep Web", in order to select only the video in English. Subsequently, through the url, we analyzed all the video in order to understand the content of each one and the deployment of the video producers. There are three types of actors: supporters, opponents and neutral. For each topic it has been calculated the number of supporters, opponents and neutral.


The graph shows that the majority of Youtube video producers support the legitimacy of the Deep Web and the tool Tor Browser existence. We considered tutorial producers as supporters. Considering that the tutorial is the video typology with the highest amount of video, it is obvious to have a wide number of positive responses from the topic related: technology. Keeping out them for a moment, we see how the controversy is fairly distributed around various topics with a single peak of supporters in anonymity.


Timestamp: 20/11/2014 - 18/12/2014

Data source: Youtube

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