People’s contribution

Differences between queries


Are the users more active in the query Deep web or in Tor Browser? The available data about the views count, comments, like and dislike allowed us to understand which of the two query was more active and in which it would record a greater interest on the users.

How to read the visualization

The visual representation that has been chosen is the radar chart in order to give an overview of the data and to use three different units of measurement, having the problem that the view count has a much higher number than the other variables. So that each axis provides a given data and has its own units of measurement: the upper one is the axis of the comments, the unit of which is 5, to the right is the index of appreciation whose unit of measurement is 1%, then on the left is the views whose unit of measurement is 15000. To understand the difference between the queries: Deep Web and Tor Browser, we used two different colors so that they were immediately recognizable. The purple represents the Deep Web and the green Tor Browser. So that we can see two overlapping triangles with different colors whose vertices correspond to a given data depending on the axis on which they are. In the end we added specific information on the numbers corresponding to the three variables in order to provide more accurate data that are not immediately accessible from the chart.

How it has been done

Every axis has a different unit of measure, in this way it is possible to confront one with the others. All the data has been taken with Open Refine, and then processed with Microsoft Excel: this graphs show the average result of the two queries.


The graph shows that the query Deep Web is much more active than the Tor Browser but both are very appreciated by the users. This result didn’t surprise us as the Deep Web is a subject, thereby offering many more food for thought than Tor browser, which is a tool.


Timestamp: 20/11/2014 - 15/12/2014

Data source: Youtube

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